Path is the place for your personal life.
It is the beautiful, ad-free place for private messaging and sharing photos, videos, music, and more with the people in your life who matter most.
- Your personal life - Journal your thoughts, your sleep, and your check-ins.
- Search Your Life - Search all of your memories by keyword, season, weather, dates, people, places, and more.
- Collect & share media moments - the music you're listening to so friends can listen too, the movies you're watching, and the books you're reading.
- Beautiful sharing - Capture photos with some of the best filters and editing tools made for mobile.
- Feel the love - Friends and family can react with smiles, laughs, gasps, loves, stickers, comments and more
- Cross-posting - Be everywhere you want to be by posting any Path moment to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Foursquare.
- Messaging - The fast, fun, and private way to message your family and friends one-to-one or in small groups. Use your words, your voice, your location, media, stickers, and more!
- NEW! Private Sharing - Choose to share any Path moment privately with one or more friends
- NEW! Create an Inner Circle by selecting a group of friends to easily share moments with. Filter your feed to see only moments from your Inner Circle. And change your settings to only receive notifications from your Inner Circle.
- NEW! Premium - Upgrade to Path Premium and get exclusive benefits, including unlimited sticker packs, unlimited camera filters, and early access to new Shop items. Plus, you’ll be joining the movement to keep our personal lives private and ad-free.
- Stickers - Say more in a single tap with free handcrafted stickers from some of our favorite artists.
- The Shop - Purchase additional stickers and photo filters to customize your Path, and to express yourself in your messages.
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